CMM is a health care sharing ministry through which fellow Christian members share the cost of medical expenses for one another. Membership has steadily grown, and CMM has served over 40,000 members to date. All members agree to abide by a Statement of Faith and live a healthy Christian lifestyle. Participation includes a voluntary commitment to sending in monthly gifts according to the respective CMM program level.

CMM is not an insurance company and should not be referred to or considered as a substitute for any other type of health or medical insurance. However, CMM can be used as an exemption from the mandated insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act, which contains a provision that members of health care sharing ministries are not subject to the insurance requirement and do not face tax penalties.

CMM is a Biblically-based health care sharing ministry focused on Galatians 6:2–Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ. Members have peace of mind knowing that they are helping fellow Christians with the burden of medical expenses that align with our faith.

CMM is fully committed to serving our members and bringing all glory and honor to our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!

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